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Tab: Administration

The Administration page is visible to a user with an admin level of access and is split into three sections: 

  • Users, 
  • Tags,
  • Oauth Repositories.


Users tab

On the Users page, you can view the total list of users who have been authorized access to Meiro Integrations. 




  • Name
  • the

Thepage, nameyou can view the total list of theusers user. 



  • Email

The email of the user that also acts as a login credential for Meiro Integrations.  


  • Last Login 

The Last Login shows when the user last logged in. For the newly created user, it may show “Never” and option to “Resend an invitation”.


  • Can Create Workspaces

An Admin can choose if the user can/ cannot create a workspace.


  • Role

The role of a user is defined by the admin. The role comes in 2 types:

-Admin: An admin has access to the entire Meiro Integrations, including every other user’s workspaces.

-User:  A user simply has access to his/her own workspace and cannot see others workspaces unless he/she was invited to view other workspaces.


  • Enabled 

An Admin has the authority to either enable or disable a user. When the user is enabled, as per the user’s role, the user hasauthorized access to Meiro IntegrationsIntegrations:

  • Names of users, 
  • Email addresses, 
  • Last login and whenan option to resend the userinvitation,
  • is
  • Can/ disabled,Cannot theCreate userWorkspaces 
  • is
  • Role notof removedusers but(admin/ temporarilyuser), 
  • loses
  • Statuses allof accessusers to (enabled/disabled Meiroalso Integrations.marked as greyed out).


An admin can modify the User’s details (like changing the name and email) by clicking on the Edit icon and the user can be permanently deleted by clicking on the Trash icon.


AdditionalAs featuresan onadministrator, thisyou page include:can:


  • Search name 

    The Search name box lets you search for a user by theusing user’sa name.search box

  • -

  • Invite User 

    This lets you invite a new user or admin (by sending an invitation email to Meiroa Integrationsgiven byemail providingaddress),

  • the name of the user and the email.

    -Invite Admin

  • This lets you inviteCreate a new user withaccount admin(this levelis ofdone accesswithout to Meiro Integrationsconfirmation by providing the name of the user and the email.

    -Create User

    This lets you create a new user by providing the name of the user, email and password (by the defaultemail, the newly created user will have admin level of access).access assigned by default),

  • Change the assigned role of a user (admin, user), 
  • Enable or disable the user (disabled users will be greyed out), 
  • Resend invitations to users,
  • Edit names, emails and passwords,
  • Remove a user (the removed user will remain in the Trash tab and can be restored)

Tags tab

The Tags tab displays available tags, as well as enables an Admin to create and edit new tags. 


OAuth tab

OAuth stands for Open Authentication which is a protocol for API Authorization and Authentication. It allows an end user’s account information to be used by third-party services, without exposing the user’s password.

OAuth tab is a holder of user credential tokens for different applications. This lists the names of all the different applications and the dates from when they were last modified.

Use the Search name box to search for a particular repository by the name of the repository. You can also see the date of the last modification. By clicking on the Edit button you can edit credentials for the OAuth repository.


In order to set up OAuth repository you need to fill:

  • Name of the application (required), 
  • Description (optional)
  • Client ID and Client Secret (required)- credentials for the application, listed in {}