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Loader Facebook Conversion API

This component adds events to the Facebook Conversion API.


To use the Facebook loader, one needs to authorize the Facebook account. Authorization can be done in 2 ways:

  1. The user who has access to an Ad account in Facebook Business Manager and has access to Audiences click on the “Authorize” button in the same browser where one logged in in his Facebook Ad account.
  2. Authorization link can be copied by an analyst working in Meiro Integrations and sent for authorization to a person who has the required level of access and should open the link in the same browser where one logged in in his Facebook Ad account.
  3. Users would then have to set up a Facebook pixel with conversion API.


Learn more: How to set up a Facebook pixel with conversion API here.

Learn more: How to verify that the events have been received on Facebook here.


 Data In/ Data Out

Data In

CSV for events should be located in /data/in/tables/imports.csv


Learn more: about column formatting please refer to the Facebook help website. 


Warning: Requests to Facebook Conversion API are sent in batches of 1000 events, if any given event in a batch is invalid, the entire batch will be rejected.


Required input

user_gender (required) string, m(male) or f(female)

event_name (required)

event_time  (required)

integer -r, Unix timestamp


Warning: This needs to be earlier than 7 days ago otherwise the request would be invalid.

and at least one user's information (prefix user_) is required  

Other possible inputs

event_id string
custom_value float
custom_currency string - must be valid  ISO 4217 currency code
user_email string
user_phone string
user_genderstring - must be “m” or “f”
user_date_of_birth string -string,  “yyyymmdd” eg: “19971226”
user_last_name string
user_first_name string
user_city string
user_state string
user_zip string
user_country string - lowercase two-letter country code, eg. “us”

string -string, any unique id from advertisers


Learn more: about external id here







string , fbc browser cookie


Learn more: about fbc browser cookies here


string, fbp browser cookie


Learn more: about fbp browser cookies here




integer -integer, ID issued by Facebook


Learn more: about ID issued by Facebook here


integer -integer, ID from Facebook’s Lead Ads


Learn more: about ID from Facebook Lead Ads here




Data Out



 Learn more: about the folder structure here.




Pixel_ID (required)

This is the Pixel ID of the Facebook Pixel you created. Conversion API events will be sent to this Pixel. 


Learn more: about Facebook Pixel with Conversion API here