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Loader: Facebook Conversion API

In the realm of data-driven marketing, accurate event tracking and optimization are vital for driving successful advertising campaigns. Loader Facebook Conversion API offers a powerful solution for businesses to send customer event data directly to Facebook, bypassing the need for cookies or pixel-based tracking.

Remember: the Facebook Conversion API doesn't serve the purpose of exporting or creating audiences. Its primary function is to enhance the tracking and optimization of events within the Facebook ecosystem. If you aim to create or export audiences, you should focus on Facebook Custom or Custom Anonymous Audiences.

Business value in CDP

Loader Facebook Conversion API provides a direct connection between a CDP and Facebook, allowing businesses to send customer event data for tracking and optimization purposes. By bypassing pixel-based tracking, Loader Facebook Conversion API ensures more accurate and reliable data transmission. This enables businesses to gain deeper insights into customer behavior, optimize ad campaigns based on specific events, and measure the return on investment (ROI) of their advertising efforts.

Difference between Facebook loaders
Feature Comparison FB Custom Audiences FB Anonymous Custom Audiences Conversion API
Audience Definition Criteria such as CDP, identifiable through name, email, or phone number Aggregated and anonymized data, based on FB client ID

Direct customer event data sent to Facebook.


The component is not intended for audience export but to enhance and enrich the eventsdirect withinconnection thebetween FacebookMeiro platformEvents (web events) and FB

Identification of Audience Identified through personal details (name, email, phone number) Not identified; retargeted based on FB client ID Not applicable; focuses on event tracking
Level of Personalization Deeper personalization based on specific attributes and behaviors Broader targeting of segments with similar characteristics Primarily focused on event tracking
Use Cases for CDP Users Flexible for providing  personalized messages Useful for broader reach and exposure; less personalization

Complements Custom Audiences by providing accurate event tracking

Tracking Dependency May utilize cookies or pixels for tracking Does not rely on cookies or pixels for tracking Bypasses the need for cookies or pixel-based tracking

Steps for setting up Facebook Conversion API Loader

Follow this step-by-step guide to configure the component:

  1. The first step is to configure Meiro Events for Facebook Conversion API. You can refer to this article for guidance.
  2. Next, set up the loader within Meiro Integration by following the instructions given in this article.

Unlike other Facebook loaders, the Facebook Conversion API does not have a destination in CDP. The full setup is done within Meiro Integrations. 

Learn more: for detailed steps on implementing Facebook Conversion API, refer to this article, which is dedicated to the implementation team.

Setting up the loader in MI

For setting  Facebook Conversion API as a destination within Meiro Integration, use the Facebook Conversion loader. This component will add events to the Facebook Conversion API.


To use the loader, one needs to authorize the Facebook account. Authorization can be done in 2 ways:

  1. The user who has access to an Ad account in Facebook Business Manager and has access to Audiences clicks on the “Authorize” button in the same browser where one logged in to his Facebook Ad account.
  2. The authorization link can be copied by an analyst working in Meiro Integrations and sent for authorization to someone with the required level of access, who should open the link in the same browser where his Facebook Ad account is logged in.

Users would then have to set up a Facebook Pixel with conversion API.

Learn more: about how to set up a Facebook Pixel with conversion API here.

Learn more: how to verify that the events have been received on Facebook here.

Data In/ Data Out

Data In

CSV for events should be located in /data/in/tables/imports.csv for events and  /data/in/tables/custom_data_contents.csv for custom data content.

The loader requires CSV files as input: 

Imports.csv files that contain event data in each line 

and optionally customer_data_contents.csv that contains Customer Data Contents data in each line.


Imports.csv events file structure:


For example: Test,1627553825,asd,,,,,ABC123,,,,,,,,,,,,Joe,Doe,,,,,,,,,,,,

Available values for user_gender are m (male) or f (female).

Multiple values can be added to the column custom_content_ids by JSON array dumping.

Available values for custom_delivery_category are in_store, curbside or home_delivery.

event_name, event_time and at least one of the user information (prefix user_) are required.

Customer_data_contents.csv file structure:


For example: asd,ABC123,,,,,,,

Where event_id refers to event_id in the events file.

Available values for delivery_category are in_store, curbside or home_delivery.

Learn more: about column formatting, refer to the Facebook help website. 

Warning: Requests to Facebook Conversion API are sent in batches of 1000 events, if any given event in a batch is invalid, the entire batch will be rejected.

Required input

event_name (required)


event_name is also used in deduplication.

event_time  (required)

Integer, Unix timestamp


Warning: This needs to be earlier than 7 days ago otherwise, the request would be invalid.

user_gender (required)

String, m(male) or f(female)

at least one user's information is required

field with prefix user_ ,

eg. user_email, user_gender  or user_external_id

Other possible inputs



The category of the content associated with the event.

Example: grocer



The content IDs associated with the event, such as product SKUs for items in an AddToCart event: [ABC123, XYZ789]. If content_type is a product, then your content IDs must be an array with a single string value. Otherwise, this array can contain any number of string values.



The name of the page or product associated with the event. Example: lettuce.



It should be set to product or product_group:

  • Use product, if the keys you send represent products. Sent keys could be content_ids or contents.
  • Use product_group, if the keys you send in content_ids represent product groups. Product groups are used to distinguish products that are identical but have variations such as colour, material, size or pattern.


String, must be valid  ISO 4217 currency code



object fields are id,quantity, item_price



Type of delivery for a purchase event. Supported values are:

  • in_store: Customer needs to enter the store to get the purchased product.
  • curbside: Customer picks up their order by driving to a store and waiting inside their vehicle.
  • home_delivery: Purchase is delivered to the customer's home.



The order ID for this transaction is a String.

Example: order1234.



The predicted lifetime value of a conversion event.

Example: 432.12.



Use only with InitiateCheckout events. The number of items that a user tries to buy during checkout.

Example: 4.



Use only with Search events. A search query made by a user. Example: lettuce.



Use only with CompleteRegistration events. The status of the registration event, as a String.

Example: registered.



Learn more: about custom data fields, please refer to this article



This ID can be any unique string chosen by the advertiser. event_id is used to deduplicate events sent by both Facebook Pixel and Conversions API. event_name is also used in deduplication.

For deduplication, the eventID from a browser, event must match the event_id in the corresponding server event.

Learn more: about event id from here


String, fbp browser cookie


Learn more: about fbp browser cookies here




String , fbc browser cookie


Learn more: about fbc browser cookies here




String, lowercase two-letter country code.

Example: us


String, yyyymmdd

Example: 19971226




String, any unique id from advertisers


Learn more: about external id here


Integer, ID issued by Facebook

Learn more: about ID issued by Facebook here






Integer,  ID from Facebook’s Lead Ads

Learn more: about ID from Facebook Lead Ads here









Data Out


Learn more: about event deduplication from here.

 Learn more: about the folder structure here.



Pixel ID


This is the Pixel ID of the Facebook Pixel you created. Conversion API events will be sent to this Pixel. 

Learn more: about Facebook Pixel with Conversion API here