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AppsFlyer webhook

This article gives you knowledge of how webhooks send information from AppsFlyer to Meiro Events. 

AppsFlyer is the world’s leading mobile attribution and marketing analytics platform, helping app marketers to provide a unique data source for the segmentation of their customer profiles, and determine which campaigns, partners, and channels drive app installs and post-install events, such as in-app purchases. Marketers rely on these insights to measure and optimize marketing activities for both user acquisition and retargeting campaigns.



You need to get the appsflyer_id, which is the mandatory parameter in server-to-server event messages.


The AppsFlyer webhook doesn't support multi-events in one HTTP request, which means each event must be sent as a separate event. 

In order to process the event correctly, it is important to ensure that the JSON query you send as a response to the trigger is stringified, as in the example: {\"af_revenue\":\"6\" ,\"af_content_type\":\"wallets\"}  .

Examples of events  in AppsFlyer include:

  • New subscriber (triggered when a user completes the signup process)

  • Last viewed product (triggered when a user views a specific product details page)

  • Recommended product (triggered when a user adds items to their wishlist)

  • Abandoned basket (triggered when a user initiates the checkout but didn't yet complete it)

  • Successful bill payment (triggered when a user conducts payments)


Example data

Example of Server-to-server events API in AppsFlyer:

curl --location --request POST 'https://api2.appsflyer.com/inappevent/<app_id_placeholder>' \
--header 'authentication: <dev_key_placeholder>
' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "appsflyer_id": "9999999999999-9999999999999999999",
	"advertising_id": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa",
	"customer_user_id" : "example_customer_id_123",
	"ip": "",
	"app_version_name" : "example_version_name",
	"eventTime" : "2020-02-25 12:00.000",
	"eventName": "af_purchase",
	"eventCurrency": "ZAR",        "os" : "14.6",        "att" : 3,
		\"af_revenue\": \"1006\",
		\"af_content_type\": \"wallets\",
		\"af_content_id\": \"15854\",
		\"af_quantity\" :\"1\"

Use cases

Here are practical use cases on how to generate Appsflyer webhooks with the Meiro Events:

  1. Meiro CDP can receive subscribers’ profile information as soon as they completed signing up. This allows having a complete record of all subscribers in the CDP, afterward, you may target them by offering a welcome discount for the first order;

  2. Collecting the type of content users view in order to better understand what categories are the most popular and link product views with product sales.