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Web banners: customizable close button (HTML)


To work with web banners, first, they need to be set by the Meiro team:

1. Meiro Events must be implemented. 

2. Meiro Events API connection must be set in the Administration/ Settings tab

3. Web banners tabs must be enabled by the administrator for your user role

The closing button deployed by our SDK is hardcoded. The first step to creating the web banner button which can be customized is to turn off the default closing button in the banner options.



Remember: Important is for the button to have onclick attribute with value "window.parent.MeiroEvents.closeWebBanner()"



Example in CSS:

.close {
        	    width: 40px;
    			height: 40px;
    			border: 0;
    			display: flex;
    			display: flex;
    			align-items: center;
    			justify-content: center;
    			position: fixed;
    			right: 0;
    			top: 0;
    			background: transparent;
    			cursor: pointer;
    			z-index: 1;
Markup (html):
<button class="close" onclick="window.parent.MeiroEvents.closeWebBanner()">