Understanding Segmented Audiences in Email Campaigns
The "Segmented" section provides an overview of the number of customer profiles that can be targeted using the Email channel. Only customer profiles matching the 'Email subscription status' attribute and applied segment conditions will receive the relevant campaign. The number includes profiles with known emails, where consent has been given, and emails are not blocked.
In the given example, the "segmented" section displays "84 out of 982". This indicates that out of the total 982 customer profiles that match the 'Email subscription status' attribute (with a given consent set to true
and blocked status set to false
), only 84 profiles are segmented based on the conditions specified in the segment. Hence, only these 84 profiles will receive the Email campaign.
Segmented number for multiple segments in one sending batch
When multiple segments are used in a single sending batch, the number of customer profiles that will receive the Email campaign is determined by applying the "or" operator between the conditions specified in all segments.
Let's consider the following example:
- Segment 1: "Czechia users" with 911 customer profiles
- Segment 2: "Male users" with 727 customer profiles
In this scenario, the sending batch will combine the segments using the "or" operator.
The total number of customer profiles receiving the Email campaign will be the sum of the profiles from each segment minus any duplicates. It's important to note that the 'Email subscription status' attribute is still considered in the overall targeting. Only customer profiles that possess true
consent and false
blocked status, in addition to meeting the conditions of the segments, will receive the Email campaign.
In the given example, the "segmented" section displays "4 out of 5". The 4 customer profiles are formed based on this flow: (conditions used in the "Czechia users" segment OR conditions used in the "Male users" segment) AND (true
consent AND false
blocked status).
The simplest visual presentation of the sending batch combining multiple segments could be represented as follows: