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System events for Mobile Push

Once you have successfully configured at least one Firebase project and app, system events will automatically populate in the Customer Data Platform (CDP) under the Meiro Mobile Push source. This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of these system events along with their structures and examples.

Mobile Push registration token registered

"The 'Mobile Push Registration Token Registered' event occurs when a user's mobile device successfully submits a registration token to the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service. This action enables communication with the user's device via Mobile Push.

Event Type: mpn_registration_token_registered
Retention: Not applicable (not changeable)
Autoload: Enabled

Event structure:

Learn more: about the structure of the 'Mobile Push registration token registered' event in this article.

Event example:

  "user_id": "2701e207-1f81-45bf-8ca3-1495a54fa74a",
  "event_type": "mpn_registration_token_registered",
  "event_timestamp": "2024-02-20T13:00:00.000Z",
  "version": "1.0.0", 
  "session_id": "",
  "event_data": {},
  "app": {
    "id": "1:353411649331:ios:a33ec2e13a7c9d61fa7846",
    "language": "en",
    "name": "Meiro testing project - iOS",
    "version": "1.0.0"
 "os": {
    "type": "ios",
    "version": "12"
  "device": {
    "manufacturer": "Samsung",
    "model": "Galaxy S21"
  "firebase": {
    "project_id": "firebase_project_id",
    "registration_token": "c0izYhQzpUqIpBCs4q18_y:APA91bFrfkaOx42rNwa2q6tP1oWEHUOZDdGdpuMJ6LtuIujpiU-S2Mry_lHkAFCKY8Hb8vOwaE7LL1MFcObrA1QR9jRLO7eG26yI1KlOmke-Kl9rOoqIWOfJXpZvttldv7QnyxlmIWpD"

Mobile Push registration token refreshed

This event automatically refreshes a previously registered token. It is sent periodically, once a month, regardless of the application's running state or launching status. This ensures that the token remains active when sending push notifications. The event includes the FCM refresh timestamp in the request payload.

Event Type: mpn_registration_token_refreshed
Retention: 60 days (not changeable)
Autoload: Enabled

Event structure:

Learn more: about the structure of the 'Mobile Push registration token refreshed' event in this article.

Event example:

 "user_id": "0c4846c8-653f-450c-8302-acec4a01ae1c",
"event_type": "fcm_registration_token_refreshed",
  "event_timestamp": "2024-02-20T14:00:00.000Z",
  "version": "1.0.0",
 "event_data": {
    "fcm_registration_token_refresh_timestamp": "2024-02-09T18:45:41.062Z"
"app": {
    "id": "1:353411649331:ios:a33ec2e13a7c9d61fa7846",
    "language": "en",
    "name": "Meiro testing project - iOS",
    "version": "1.0.0"
 "os": {
    "type": "ios",
    "version": "optional string"
"device": {
    "manufacturer": "Apple",
    "model": "iPhone 12"
  "firebase": {
    "project_id": "meiro-testing-project",
    "registration_token": "ezXWHC4cKUhpmiubVZJNSC:APA91bFYSFRR6wHwZ5v_guTCJHJ8kpBJB-OCegDPYRZnjN_ZZZFxrjIqawPQ_wYivgpK4fbHEux6P0XAjMUFP7w4WWPXXj6WQmthKPXkX5o17zfJf17OiW2JKTxxzPfR_nvLwzfiS3ax"


Mobile Push registration token unregistered

This event indicates that a previously registered token has been unregistered, typically due to the user opting out of push notifications or other reasons. It includes details such as the error type (e.g., "unregistered") and the project ID associated with the registration token.

Event Type: mpn_registration_token_unregistered
Retention: Not applicable (not changeable)

Event structure:

 "project_id": "required_string",
  "registration_token": "required_string"
  "error_type": "unregistered" | "invalid registration" | "invalid package name"
  "event_type": "fcm_registration_token_unregistered", //required

Event example:

  "error_type": "unregistered",
  "event_type": "fcm_registration_token_unregistered",
  "project_id": "meiro-testing-project",
  "registration_token": "fakepvp-SbuWp3S5zYwXeZ:APA91bEht5olNJ7AHSCIE2dh1FNAxsnD5MxmG9oPoscpbWE915tQQ_GTW6KLpzoUoSNcf-w_xK7c1_26uNJ5P4hRjDScXlQkDqUD9QCmStLJfm2zh15_KobTJ-uwUqPLo-tAUxAcX6QY"


Mobile Push Sent

This event signifies that a push notification has been successfully sent to a user's device. It includes information such as the activation ID, message ID, push notification details (title, body, image URL, etc.), and the registration token to which the notification was sent.

Event Type: mpn_sent
Retention: No retention, but customizable

Event structure:

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "activation_id": {"type": "number"},
    "app_name": "string",
    "message_id": "string,
        "push_notification": {
"custom_data": {
      		"action": "app/browser/deepling",
      		"message_id": "string",
      		"url": ""

            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "id": {"type": "string", "format": "uuid"},
                "name": {"type": "string"},
                "title": {"type": "string"},
                "url": {"type": "string"},
                "image_url": {"type": "string"}
            "required": ["id", "name", "title"]
        "registration_token": {"type": "string"}
    "required": ["activation_id", "push_notification", "registration_token"]

Event example:

  "activation_id": 4,
  "app_name": "App",
  "message_id": "4a8037e2-76d3-428c-b842-ffb4b0a249df",
  "push_notification": {
    "custom_data": {
      "action": "app",
      "message_id": "4a8037e2-76d3-428c-b842-ffb4b0a249df",
      "url": ""
    "id": "c647e942-2e20-43b7-b054-a2d56c8d02ba",
    "image_url": "https://me.dev.meiro.tech/sdk/images/0awxFqQpquumbE24YqXbLzUt.png",
    "name": "New",
    "title": "Title ",
    "url": ""
  "registration_token": "fRIppvp-SbuWp3S5zYwXeZ:APA91bEht5olNJ7AHSCIE2dh1FNAxsnD5MxmG9oPoscpbWE915tQQ_GTW6KLpzoUoSNcf-w_xK7c1_26uNJ5P4hRjDScXlQkDqUD9QCmStLJfm2zh15_KobTJ-uwUqPLo-tAUxAcX6QY"