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Introduction to Journey Canvas

The Journey Canvas is a dynamic feature that empowers you to create personalized and automated customer journeys, ensuring that your communications are both relevant and timely. Unlike traditional channel activations, Journey Canvas provides greater flexibility in designing campaigns that deliver content tailored to individual preferences and behaviours.

Create Journeys for Diverse Scenarios:

  • Onboarding Sequences: Guide your users through a seamless introduction to your platform, ensuring they achieve success from the start.
  • Re-engagement Campaigns: Bring back inactive users by reviving their interest and re-establishing connections with your brand.
  • Abandoned Cart Workflows: Implement strategies to recover potential lost sales by enticing users to complete their purchases.
  • Promotions, Upsells, and Follow-ups: Drive additional sales and revenue through targeted promotions, upselling opportunities, and post-action follow-ups.

Key Features and Benefits

Highly Tailored Messages
With Journey Canvas, you can craft messages that resonate with your audience by leveraging personalized content and timing. This customization enables you to create meaningful connections with your customers, driving engagement and loyalty.

Automated Delivery Over Time
Automate the delivery of your campaigns to reach customers at optimal times, enhancing the customer experience and maximizing the impact of your communications.

Types of Triggers

Journey Canvas offers two primary types of triggers that you can choose from to initiate a campaign:

Segment Change
This trigger allows you to define or select existing segments that individuals must belong to activate a campaign. Segment-triggered campaigns are perfect for various scenarios, including recurring NPS surveys, onboarding drip campaigns, and inactivity reminders.

A journey begins when an individual meets the specified segment conditions, ensuring timely and relevant engagement.

An event-triggered campaign enables you to respond to specific actions or activities that individuals perform within your app or website. Whether it's a user abandoning their cart, visiting a specific page, or completing an order, you can trigger a campaign based on these actions.

How to Get Started with Journey Canvas

To learn how to create and manage your first Journey Canvas, refer to our comprehensive documentation that provides step-by-step guides, tutorials, and best practices. This documentation will walk you through the process of setting up triggers, designing the journey flow, and activating your campaigns effectively.

By following our detailed guides, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the Journey Canvas features and functionalities, enabling you to harness its full potential for crafting personalized and automated customer journeys.