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Load event to CDP

A component for loading data into the CDP data model

This component provides set of primitives for interacting with the CDP database - tables customer_events and attribute_tags. For using the component use this link to repo: https://github.com/meiroio-components/cdp-db-loader.git

Warning: The order of the columns in the input CSV DOES matter!matter(!!!)  and it's checked at runtimeruntime.


PostgreSQL backend
"action": "",
"debug": true,
"dry_run": false,
"backend": "postgres",
"auth": {
"host": "dbhost",
"dbname": "dbname",
"user": "dbuser",
"password": ""
"schema": {
"cdp": "public",
"customer_events": "cdp_ce",
"profile_stitching": "cdp_ps"
  • if  optional
    dry_run (default false);

    If true do not commit any changes to the database. If false  changes are commited after all input files are processedprocessed.

  • auth.cdp_schema -

    Optional if, for some reason, the data model doesn't reside in the public schema this sets the the search_path to the specified value (which means the default $user,public value doesn't apply anymore). Only use this if you know what you are doing.

      Common config

      All CVSs in in/tables/*.csv are processed according to the action parameter.

      debug defaults to true

      Available actions are:

      • insert_customer_events
      • upsert_customer_events
      • upsert_attribute_tags


      Loading new customer_events

      "action": "insert_customer_events"

      This insertsInserts new events,events. ifIf there is a conflict on on id column, skip this row altogether.

      The Remember: The event_id must be already defined in the events  table before uploadupload.

      The structure of the input file:

      "c",,md5(source_id || type || version),"test_source",2018-06-23T12:34:56Z,"subscribed","1-0-0","{""foo"": 126}","2018-06-23T12:34:56Z"
      "d",,md5(source_id || type || version),"test_source",2018-06-23T12:34:56Z,"purchase","1-0-0","{""foo"": 126}","2018-06-23T12:34:56Z"

      Upserting customer events

      "action": "upsert_customer_events"

      This insertsInserts new events,events. ifIf there is a conflict on on id column, updates payload and leaves everything else untouched. Input file should have the same structure as for loading new customer events (customer_events.csv).

      It can be useful when you have a set of events loaded in the database and later you find out that the payloads are missing some field and you want to backfill the data.

      Warning: This must be done in a backward backwards-compatible way (adding new field to the json shouldn't break any follow-up customer attributes). Before using this,this action, make sure you knowudnerstand what you are doing and the implications of it.


      Upserting attribute tags

      "action": "upsert_attribute_tags"

      This upsertsUpserts tag_ids for the attributes in the attribute_tags table (PII data, contact information tags, etc). Doesn't delete anything from the table.

      The structure of the input file:
